Davidwhitepond is not a person - Davidwhitepond is a nom de plume for a dynamite design studio. Davidwhitepond is an independent, multidisciplinary brand and experience design studio focused on transforming clients' objectives, beliefs and concepts into effective, stimulating, and meaningful visual and textual brand experiences. Founded in 2008 by Tyler David Mintz, Davidwhitepond serves as his brand name.
Designers must wear many hats, fill a plethora of shoes, carry several toolboxes and ride multi-trick ponies. We are living in an era of rapid change outpacing those before us. As designers, we unceasingly respond, convert and transfigure our skill set — we renew our love as practitioners by staying abreast and surpassing trends by constructing lasting design systems.
Tyler Mintz Principal
Tyler runs his design studio, Davidwhitepond in the moonlight and is available for select projects. Currently serving as SVP - Head of Design at MSL, he previously worked as VP - Creative Director for Merge. Tyler worked at Dedica Group as an Associate Creative Director. Before working with Dedica he was at the Google-backed startup, Mohawk Group as their Design Director. A faculty member of the School of Visual Arts Design and Advertising program, Tyler teaches second-year graphic design to world-class students. Tyler collaborates with other studios like Collins, Big Tomorrow, and WorldStudio from time to time, and was a co-member of the Bikestock team serving as the creative director. Tyler collaborated with Production Pro as their design lead and helped to establish their brand identity, visual language, user experience, and app user interface design.
With a firm opinion surrounding design and a distinguishing sense of style, Tyler Mintz was born in small-town Massachusetts. Tyler was raised on a gentlemen’s farm. There he was taught the value of hard work and the merit of accomplishment. Food was his enemy until age 13 when the two fell in love which would later inform a lot of his career's work. Tyler received a B.S. from Drexel University’s College of Media Art and Design in Graphic Design. After a few short years of art directing design and photography in the fashion world while simultaneously moonlighting for freelance clients - he decided to start his own design practice full-time. Tyler went on to earn his MFA from the School of Visual Arts in NYC where he now teaches. Tyler loves to cook and eat but doesn’t enjoy the clean-up.
Everything is a work in progress until it’s not. We like to collaborate with our clients - our relationship is an ongoing process. The moment we put something out into the world together, it takes on the personality its audience or users give it. We partner with you to not only launch your product into the world but to test, evaluate, iterate and grow your products. We live by research, strategy, creation, refinement, and collaboration paired with design, polish, releasing, and repeating as much as possible.
While we appreciate a competitive spirit and are more than fierce in games like chess, soccer, ping-pong, and Settlers of Caton - we do not enter design competitions. We have found that creating work without our portfolio in mind has a more satisfying and ultimately, more meaningful outcome for us. That said, our work has been featured on television, in books, and in many publications including Fast Co, GOOD Magazine, T-Magazine, The Die Line, Its Nice That, The Daily Heller, Print Magazine, etc. We have given talks at the Bloomberg Tower for World Usability Day and Impact: Design for Social Change, among others. Our work even picked up an honor from the Webby’s along the way (our client submitted it!).
We have been fortunate to collaborate with marvelous clients over the years such as Facebook, American Express, New York University, The Coca-Cola Company, Sotheby’s, New York Public Library, AMC, Cinemark, IHG, Sprite, Conde Nast, L’Oreal, Vita Coco, WestJet, Mariah Carey, TEDx, Simon & Schuster, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Calvert, Raven & Sparrow, ProductionPro, Bikestock, Juice Generation, OuiHours, CAMP, Makerbot, Village Community School, Carl's Jr. and more.The portrait photography on this website was created by the accomplished John Huba. This site is using the type family Venti CF, by Connary Fagen and Acta Display, by DSType Foundry. Our website was engineered by the talented Durlan Vega and is running a custom WordPress theme we designed together with him.If you have any questions or comments don’t be shy, thanks!
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