The ancient Maya honey production process passed down from generation to generation, has found a new home. Using only Dzidzilche in their honey, a plant unique to the Yucatan peninsula, the plant buds a vivid green and white flower for only eight weeks of the year. As a result, the honey is delicate, delicious, and delightful beyond anything you’ve ever thought was honey. With so much honey on the market, we celebrated this rarified Imperial Yucatan, 100% organic honey, with its lineage and delicacy in mind. Inspired by the construction of some of the world’s grandiose wonders, our take on the honey bottle was a unique foundation housing an uncommon creation.

This project was made with Mixed Business Group

Marc Balet
Mark Cline
Tyler Mintz

Our Role
Brand Language
Creative Direction
Packaging System
Experience Design


The ancient Maya honey production process passed down from generation to generation, has found a new home. Using only Dzidzilche in their honey, a plant unique to the Yucatan peninsula, the plant buds a vivid green and white flower for only eight weeks of the year. As a result, the honey is delicate, delicious, and delightful beyond anything you’ve ever thought was honey. With so much honey on the market, we celebrated this rarified Imperial Yucatan, 100% organic honey, with its lineage and delicacy in mind. Inspired by the construction of some of the world’s grandiose wonders, our take on the honey bottle was a unique foundation housing an uncommon creation.

This project was made with Mixed Business Group

Marc Balet
Mark Cline
Tyler Mintz

Our Role
Brand Language
Creative Direction
Packaging System
Experience Design

#uc_work_text_block_vc86294_container #uc_work_text_block_vc86294 { background: #a39161; } #uc_work_text_block_vc86294_container #uc_work_text_block_vc86294 span { padding: 10px 50px 50px 50px; } #uc_work_text_block_vc86294 > * { font-size: 22px; font-family: "Silka"; font-weight: 500; color: #140f09; line-height: 1.2; }

The design of the visual language is birthed by the coupling of ancient Maya tradition and decadent aliment. The brands' visual identity reflects the subtle language, evoking the past roots with a modern aesthetic.

#uc_work_text_block_vc93443_container #uc_work_text_block_vc93443 { background: #1a1a1a; } #uc_work_text_block_vc93443_container #uc_work_text_block_vc93443 span { padding: 10px 150px 50px 150px; } #uc_work_text_block_vc93443 > * { font-size: 22px; font-family: "Silka"; font-weight: 500; color: #a39161; line-height: 1.2; }

DWP was invited to reimagine the honey bottle. Imperial Yucatan Honey also looked to us to define their brand DNA, visual language, strategy, and brand experience design. Through a series of workshops and collaboration, an idea was born.

#uc_work_text_block_vc158912_container #uc_work_text_block_vc158912 { background: #a39161; } #uc_work_text_block_vc158912_container #uc_work_text_block_vc158912 span { padding: 10px 50px 50px 50px; } #uc_work_text_block_vc158912 > * { font-size: 16px; font-family: "Silka"; font-weight: 500; color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; }

Approach: Throw all pre-conceived notions to the wayside to develop a remarkable product design language which harnesses the gilt-edged qualities of Dzidzilche honey. Results: Award-winning honey and package design sold in NYC hotspots such as Dean and Deluca.

This Means Business

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©Davidwhitepond All rights reserved 2025
Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz.

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