America continues eating too much corn! Not the butter-dripping, corn-on-the-cob of your youth, but Yellow Dent Corn, the most popular variety of field corn genetically engineered in a laboratory. Yellow Dent Corn isn't even edible; it’s a commodity crop fed to livestock and rendered into preservatives found in food everywhere. As part of Kevin O'Callaghan's show "Candy Coated Carnival of Controversy," Cornco made tee-shirts to educate Americans about their overconsumption of corn. Using typography to make the message crystal clear, we created custom lettering that is attractive but unavoidable to viewers. The packaging is chalked full of additional messaging printed on a metallic, recycled surface.
This project was made by Tyler Mintz.
Tyler Mintz
Our Role
Creative Direction
Graphic Design
Product Design
3D Design
America continues eating too much corn! Not the butter-dripping, corn-on-the-cob of your youth, but Yellow Dent Corn, the most popular variety of field corn genetically engineered in a laboratory. Yellow Dent Corn isn't even edible; it’s a commodity crop fed to livestock and rendered into preservatives found in food everywhere. As part of Kevin O'Callaghan's show "Candy Coated Carnival of Controversy," Cornco made tee-shirts to educate Americans about their overconsumption of corn. Using typography to make the message crystal clear, we created custom lettering that is attractive but unavoidable to viewers. The packaging is chalked full of additional messaging printed on a metallic, recycled surface.
This project was made by Tyler Mintz.
Tyler Mintz
Our Role
Creative Direction
Graphic Design
Product Design
3D Design
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