Director and screenwriter extraordinaire, Logan Kibens approached us to help her visualize what proprietary life-tracking software for a feature-length film could look like. Operator: The Movie stars Joe - a data-obsessed computer programmer who quantifies everything about his life from moods, sex, and food to friends, location, and sleep. Joe developed proprietary software to visualize the data he collects every day. Obsessively tracking, monitoring, and reading his life's data - Joe finds his life spinning out of control as his neuroses grow. Lucky for Joe, he has alluring information graphics to look at in the meantime to control something, anything.

Operator is an award-winning, independent film written and directed by Logan Kibens.

Tyler Mintz
Eric Levy
Juan Cardarelli
Logan Kibens

Our Role
Information Graphics
Data Visualization
Creative Direction


Director and screenwriter extraordinaire, Logan Kibens approached us to help her visualize what proprietary life-tracking software for a feature-length film could look like. Operator: The Movie stars Joe - a data-obsessed computer programmer who quantifies everything about his life from moods, sex, and food to friends, location, and sleep. Joe developed proprietary software to visualize the data he collects every day. Obsessively tracking, monitoring, and reading his life's data - Joe finds his life spinning out of control as his neuroses grow. Lucky for Joe, he has alluring information graphics to look at in the meantime to control something, anything.

Operator is an award-winning, independent film written and directed by Logan Kibens.

Tyler Mintz
Eric Levy
Juan Cardarelli
Logan Kibens

Our Role
Information Graphics
Data Visualization
Creative Direction

#uc_work_text_block_vc60444_container #uc_work_text_block_vc60444 { background: #fff; } #uc_work_text_block_vc60444_container #uc_work_text_block_vc60444 span { padding: 50px 165px 50px 65px; } #uc_work_text_block_vc60444 > * { font-size: 24px; font-family: "Silka"; font-weight: 500; color: #391515; line-height: 1.2; }

We always joked that user interface design in films was utterly unusable. Suddenly we had the opportunity to create the most beautiful data visualizations with no technology, minimum viable product or specifications as guiding limitations.

#uc_work_text_block_vc86439_container #uc_work_text_block_vc86439 { background: #391515; } #uc_work_text_block_vc86439_container #uc_work_text_block_vc86439 span { padding: 50px 50px 50px 50px; } #uc_work_text_block_vc86439 > * { font-size: 26px; font-family: "Silka"; font-weight: 500; color: #fff; line-height: 1.2; }

Inspired by the vivid colors of the photographs the protagonist, Joe, snapped daily - the user interface and data visualizations are enigmatic by design.

#uc_work_text_block_vc118650_container #uc_work_text_block_vc118650 { background: #873939; } #uc_work_text_block_vc118650_container #uc_work_text_block_vc118650 span { padding: 50px 30px 50px 30px; } #uc_work_text_block_vc118650 > * { font-size: 15px; font-family: "Silka"; font-weight: 500; color: #fff; line-height: 1.2; }

Our approach: combine geometric abstraction with fluid animation, simple typography, and unfamiliar user interfaces to create alluring data tracking screens.

This Means Business

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©Davidwhitepond All rights reserved 2025
Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz.

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