Located in Manhattan's Alphabet City - Convive opened its doors in 2016. Co-founders Jess Warner-Levine and Blue Teramoto set out to open a wine store that made people feel good from the moment they entered their doors. The shop was designed for ease of browsing and communal space where people may be convivial. Everyone shops differently. Online to in-store the shopping experience is flexible enough to cater to all types of browsers. Convive knows wine. Finding the wines you love should be easy. Buying wine should be fun if you're a connoisseur or casual sipper. 

Convive asked us to help them imagine everything from their in-store shopper experience, strategy, and brand identity to their website and social channels. 

Tyler Mintz
Durlan Vega
Oscar Ma
Morgan Light

Convive Wine & Spirits:
Jesse Warner-Levine
Blue Teramoto

Our Role
Brand DNA
Visual Identity System 
Art Direction
In-Store Design
Creative Direction
UX Design
CX Design
Site Development


Located in Manhattan's Alphabet City - Convive opened its doors in 2016. Co-founders Jess Warner-Levine and Blue Teramoto set out to open a wine store that made people feel good from the moment they entered their doors. The shop was designed for ease of browsing and communal space where people may be convivial. Everyone shops differently. Online to in-store the shopping experience is flexible enough to cater to all types of browsers. Convive knows wine. Finding the wines you love should be easy. Buying wine should be fun if you're a connoisseur or casual sipper. 

Convive asked us to help them imagine everything from their in-store shopper experience, strategy, and brand identity to their website and social channels. 

Tyler Mintz
Durlan Vega
Oscar Ma
Morgan Light

Convive Wine & Spirits:
Jesse Warner-Levine
Blue Teramoto

Our Role
Brand DNA
Visual Identity System 
Art Direction
In-Store Design
Creative Direction
UX Design
CX Design
Site Development

#uc_work_text_block_vc91782_container #uc_work_text_block_vc91782 { background: #ffffff; } #uc_work_text_block_vc91782_container #uc_work_text_block_vc91782 span { padding: 10px 165px 50px 65px; } #uc_work_text_block_vc91782 > * { font-size: 22px; font-family: "Silka"; font-weight: 500; color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; }

For Convive, a flexible visual identity system was right. Rooted in color, texture, and depth - mixing the expected with the unexpected to create layered expressions of the brand - has continually produced recognizable visual narratives. Convive's "C" letter-mark has become a bright and familiar beacon on Avenue A.

#uc_work_text_block_vc189052_container #uc_work_text_block_vc189052 { background: #ffffff; } #uc_work_text_block_vc189052_container #uc_work_text_block_vc189052 span { padding: 50px 150px 50px 150px; } #uc_work_text_block_vc189052 > * { font-size: 24px; font-family: "Silka"; font-weight: 500; color: #NaNNaNNaN; line-height: 1.2; }

Like wine, Convive's visual language can take on many forms: it is playful yet elegant, fun, or serious when it wants to be. Leveraging a flexible system allows for a cohesive but evolving brand identity. 

This Means Business

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©Davidwhitepond All rights reserved 2025
Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz.

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