Arktype, an independent agency for performing arts, represents a wide variety of alternative performance artists and companies. In the past, Arktype created campaigns documenting their best works bundled as a brochure; to subvert the clinical, saddle-stitched, glossy stock format, we designed a large newspaper-style project showcasing the impactful imagery from each show and artist.
Tyler Mintz
Our Role
Creative Direction
Content Creation
Graphic Design
Arktype, an independent agency for performing arts, represents a wide variety of alternative performance artists and companies. In the past, Arktype created campaigns documenting their best works bundled as a brochure; to subvert the clinical, saddle-stitched, glossy stock format, we designed a large newspaper-style project showcasing the impactful imagery from each show and artist.
Tyler Mintz
Our Role
Creative Direction
Content Creation
Graphic Design
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