Arktype, an independent agency for performing arts, represents a wide variety of alternative performance artists and companies. In the past, Arktype created campaigns documenting their best works bundled as a brochure; to subvert the clinical, saddle-stitched, glossy stock format, we designed a large newspaper-style project showcasing the impactful imagery from each show and artist.

Tyler Mintz

Our Role
Creative Direction
Content Creation
Graphic Design


Arktype, an independent agency for performing arts, represents a wide variety of alternative performance artists and companies. In the past, Arktype created campaigns documenting their best works bundled as a brochure; to subvert the clinical, saddle-stitched, glossy stock format, we designed a large newspaper-style project showcasing the impactful imagery from each show and artist.

Tyler Mintz

Our Role
Creative Direction
Content Creation
Graphic Design

#uc_work_text_block_vc45172_container #uc_work_text_block_vc45172 { background: #ffffff; } #uc_work_text_block_vc45172_container #uc_work_text_block_vc45172 span { padding: 10px 50px 50px 70px; } #uc_work_text_block_vc45172 > * { font-size: 16px; font-family: "Silka"; font-weight: 500; color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; }

The result was an accessible, fun, and witty high-low aesthetic that felt wry to existing fans and accessible to a new arts-adjacent audience. By moving away from their previous plans we made a project that jumped out in contrast to an expected aesthetic.

#uc_work_text_block_vc64337_container #uc_work_text_block_vc64337 { background: #ffffff; } #uc_work_text_block_vc64337_container #uc_work_text_block_vc64337 span { padding: 50px 40px 50px 20px; } #uc_work_text_block_vc64337 > * { font-size: 16px; font-family: "Silka"; font-weight: 500; color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; }

The result? A campaign that was well-received by their core while introducing new clients to their project, voice, and style.

This Means Business

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©Davidwhitepond All rights reserved 2025
Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz. Davidwhitepond is the multidisciplinary, brand and experience design studio of Tyler Mintz.

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