Dash Physical Therapy, a New York City-based physical therapy studio, accommodates patients with a unique take on traditional physical therapy. DASH’s success found them expanding across the country from New York City to L.A. adding several new locations, partners, and staff. With the expansion came a need for a new brand, digital experience, and collateral. We created a memorable visual identity system to leverage, leaving an indelible mark on all their brand material. Physical therapy is commonly associated with negativity, pain, money, and other four-letter words. We worked with DASH to bring joy and happiness to an otherwise unexciting business that unites the principles of their practice with a visual vernacular.
DASH has been a long-standing client of Davidwhitepond.
Tyler Mintz
The DASH team.
Our Role
Creative Direction
Graphic Design
User Experience Design
Web Development
Dash Physical Therapy, a New York City-based physical therapy studio, accommodates patients with a unique take on traditional physical therapy. DASH’s success found them expanding across the country from New York City to L.A. adding several new locations, partners, and staff. With the expansion came a need for a new brand, digital experience, and collateral. We created a memorable visual identity system to leverage, leaving an indelible mark on all their brand material. Physical therapy is commonly associated with negativity, pain, money, and other four-letter words. We worked with DASH to bring joy and happiness to an otherwise unexciting business that unites the principles of their practice with a visual vernacular.
DASH has been a long-standing client of Davidwhitepond.
Tyler Mintz
The DASH team.
Our Role
Creative Direction
Graphic Design
User Experience Design
Web Development
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